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 Medical Forms


Below you will find all the medical forms that you may need while your son/daughter competes in sports at Simon Kenton High School . All forms should be returned to T.J. Brossart. We recommend forms be sent via email or they can be dropped off to him in the Athletic Training Room.

KHSAA Physical


All athletes must have a current KHSAA physical  on file in the athletic office. Please print off a copy of the physical and fill out the appropriate sections of prior to your son/daughters exam. Once the form is completely filled out , please return it to me in the athletic training room.


Please make sure that the forms are completed in their entirety. If they are not filled out completely, they will be returned and your son/daughter will be unable to play until it is returned.


Due to KHSAA guidelines any athlete who does not have a current physical on file will be unable to participate in all sporting activities.  Physicals are good one year from the date of exam and I would recommend making a copy to keep at home just in case it gets misplaced.



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